For additional information on the John Dillon Award
Eleanor Hrinya was presented the John J. Dillon award at the October 2017 luncheon meeting. The John J. Dillon PASR Service Award provides the opportunity for chapters to recognize individuals that have provided outstanding servce to the Association. Over the years Eleanor has held many positions in the Venengo chapter. She was president for many terms. She was Social Service Memorial Honor Fund chair for over two decades. She designed the current Social Service Memorial Honor Fund format of having very active committee members from each Venango County school district helping to provide visits, card and gifts to members in nursing homes, homebound,or hospitalized. She continues to be the primary service provider one of our 99 year old members who is confined to a nursing home. Eleanor also developed the plan for sending a cards to each member of the Venango Chapter on their birthdy. Eleanor is 88 years old and continues to be an active participant in chapter activities and helps to provide the current leadership with ideas for making the chapter a better group.