Membership is based on our fiscal year of July 1 to June 30. Annual dues are $10.
We invite you to join your fellow school employees in an organization specifically designed to meet your needs in retirement.
Our activities include:
- Social Services:
- Gifts at Christmas and in May “The Month of Giving” to our 90+ members and those who are homebound or in nursing homes.
- Gifts, flowers and cards to those who are ill or hospitalized.
- Birthday cards to members.
- Sympathy cards to those who have lost a loved one.
- Seasonal cards to members who are homebound, hospitalized, or in nursing homes.
- Meals for our 90+ club members at the summer luncheon.
- Memorial donations for members who pass away.
- Educational Support:
- Two grants to active teachers for projects in their classrooms. Grants are provided to teachers from the four Venango County public school districts on a rotating schedule.
- Two awards to non-professional/support personnel of the four public school districts in the county.
- Community Service:
- We provide educational supplies to the Crisis Center for students who are displaced as a result of domestic violence.
- Leadership & Education:
- Each year members of our leadership team attend conferences or conventions to improve their leadership skills and participate in the governing of PASR.
- Retirement Planning:
- Each year we provide materials for school employees who are planning for retirement.
- Luncheon programs:
- There are three luncheons each year and a summer picnic which provide the oppertunity to meet with fellow retirees.
- At each luncheon we provide a monetary gift to school groups that present musical programs.
- Newsletters:
- We send three Newsletters each year that provide updates to the chapter's activities
- Even though our newsletters are sent bulk mail, we must still pay for postage, printing and paper. It is our goal over the next several years to provide newsletters in electronic form. Your updated email will help toward that goal.
- We meet regularly with our legislators to discuss improvements to our retirement program.
- The RECREO committee plans trips to area events and activities.
- The Member Benefits Committee compiles a list of discounts available to Seniors.
If you have any questions, please contact John Kolojejchick, Treasurer at or 676-6435
If your email address changes in the future please update us.
Membership Form